Wales says stop building new roads

To move towards carbon neutrality, local government no longer wants to encourage the creation of car-friendly infrastructure. A daring stand.

Welsh government wants “Stop spending money on projects that encourage more people to drive”. Deputy Climate Change Minister Lee Waters announced earlier this week that he plans to freeze new road construction projects because Guardian. In return, he wants “Spend more money to maintain our roads and invest in genuine alternatives that give people meaningful choices”. “It is time to invest in an economy suited to the challenges of the 21st century and to put Wales at the forefront of building a cleaner and better future for all of us”, she added.

The position taken is radical but consistent. The United Kingdom is aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050 in the event of a climate emergency. Already engaged in an ambitious reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions, Wells considered that it should double down on its efforts to achieve this goal. So the local government set up a climate change ministry after the last election won by Labor in May to accelerate the pace.

“Since 1990, Welsh emissions have decreased by 31%”, Lee Waters was recalled outside the Welsh Parliament. “Over the next 10 years, we will need to more than double all reductions achieved in the past 30 years if we are to keep temperature rise within safe limits. It means change in all parts of our lives. Transport represents about 17% of our total emissions and therefore must play its part”. This urged the former Minister of Economy and Transport.

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develop bike

in thought, The Welsh Government will redirect spending towards improving existing roads. With the opening of new lanes for buses and bicycles, the focus will be on sustainable transport. However, infrastructure projects already underway may continue. Lee Waters also specifies that there may be exceptions to the rule. An external expert group will be responsible for reviewing all proposed projects. For example, new roads may be built to connect housing estates to the transport network. The announcement was greeted with skepticism by conservative lawmakers such as Natasha Asghar, who warned the decision would anger businesses and road users.

Others applauded an important decision. “This is a huge step in the right direction for a healthier, more resilient and more equitable Wales”, Sophie Howe, Commissioner for Future Generations for Wales, commented. It is the guarantor of an unprecedented law on the long-term social, cultural, environmental and economic welfare of the Welsh people. “The over-reliance on the car has resulted in increased noise, poor air quality, a waste of time in traffic and an unacceptable burden on communities living near our most congested roads, often in areas where fewer people drive. ” He told, still reports Guardian. Half Elgar, director of Friends of the Earth Cymru, also agrees with the change in the Welsh government’s course: “Giving people the option of a car will help heal the Welsh transport system and tackle the climate crisis. There is an urgent need to change the country’s walking and cycling infrastructure, along with significantly better and affordable public transport.” is. “

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About the Author: Forrest Morton

Organizer. Zombie aficionado. Wannabe reader. Passionate writer. Twitter lover. Music scholar. Web expert.

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