The Tower of London has lost one of its native ravens and has come one step closer to legend following the collapse of the United Kingdom. It says that if Britain is a group of at least six birds – then leave the famous attraction. Photo: Natasha Marie Brown / epa / dpa (Natasha Marie Brown / DPA)
London (AP) – One of its original residences near the Tower of London
Lost. Legend has it that the United Kingdom has come to a close with its downfall.
The Tower of London team shared, “Our beloved Raveen Merina has not been seen on the tower for several weeks, and her continued absence makes us believe she has passed away tragically”.
Twitter Together. “We now have seven Ravanas on the tower – one more than the required six”, it said.
Legend has it that the rugged Britain goes down
– A group of at least six birds – Famous
To lose sight “When the remains of the Tower of London
Get lost or fly away, the crown falls – and Great Britain
With him “- so it goes centuries old superstition.
The Tower team now hopes to have their own rain rearing program
Soon signifies success and apprehensive demise – despite the epidemic and
Brexit chaos – still averted.
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