TousAntiCovid is stalling and “is not possible to slow the spread of the epidemic”, says Cédric O

At the end of November, while France was undergoing its second imprisonment, the TousAntiCovid application was increasing. Following the failure of StopCovid in June, the digital case tracing tool was extensively rebuilt in late October, becoming TousAntiCovid. A month later, the app was downloaded “ten million” times, welcoming Emanuel Macron. On 8 December, it recorded 11 million users.

But since then, the dynamic seems broken: this Thursday, January 14, the application has 12.3 million downloads and activations, or 1.3 million new users in five weeks. Figures away from the ambitions displayed by the government. In November, Digital’s Secretary of State, Cedric O, announced a target of “15 million on quitting imprisonment” i.e. 15 December …

One effect is still minimal

Has the application reached a cap? Asked on Thursday by “South West”, Cedric O prefers to be positive: “1.3 million people who have activated the application in a month, it’s not negligible”, he assured. “It is certain that the speed of download and activation is a bit slow in early October. But the operation has been successful. The application informs more than 50,000 people, who were capable of 50,000. Isolated and does not infect their loved ones Are. And it probably helped to avoid hospitalization, and even deaths. We’re generally satisfied with that. “

The Secretary of State for Digital, however, believes that TousAntiCovid “could be more effective if it was downloaded more”. Because the minimum target of 15 million users was not set at random. It was based on a study by Inserm, which estimated that “20% of the population was required to have a systemic effect on the spread of an epidemic”, recalls Cédric O. But “life is saved well.” Before this limit, he locates. The application is already in effect. On the other hand, it is true that its effect has not made it possible to slow the spread of the epidemic. “

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Cedric O, Secretary of State in charge of digital.
Cedric O, Secretary of State in charge of digital. © Photo Credit: Ludwick Marie AFP

“The idea is that it’s inspiration to download”

To explain this apparent slowdown in the download, epidemiologist Philippe Amoyle, professor of public health at Lille University Hospital, underscores the little practical interest in the application since the end of imprisonment: “One of the interests was easy production Travel certificate, he remembers. So it got blocked at the time, it’s not surprising. The idea is that there is a motivation to download it. One to prepare appointments to integrate into the application. System, which will encourage people to download it “.

This option was not chosen “for technical reasons”, is a response to Cedric O, stating that the application would provide “a link to the mapping of immunization centers”. To take a breath to download new life, the government is relying on, when possible, to reopen cafes and restaurants, instead: “We are developing a facility established in the United Kingdom to replace reminder notebooks .When someone’s. Anyone will go to the restaurant, they will be able to flash a QR code through the application and will be automatically notified if someone who has subsequently tested positive for Kovid-19 Time was present in this restaurant “. In the UK, the feature has allowed local apps to reach 20 million users.

This Thursday, January 14, TousAntiCovid was downloaded more than 12.3 million times.
This Thursday, January 14, TousAntiCovid was downloaded more than 12.3 million times. © Photo Credit: OSF

“One more obstacle measure”

While the level of contamination in France is rising and concerns of English and South African variants are rising, Cédric O would like to remember that the application is “not a government but a health application that is useful to avoid contamination, save lives and viruses.” To limit the spread of. The epidemic is not over, it will continue despite the introduction of the vaccine and we will need more and more people to download and activate TousAntiCovid ”.

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“12.3 million downloads is so low because it’s the kind of tool we need, Philippe supports Amuel. We’re probably the 3G wave, we’re not out of the woods yet! This app! It’s another obstacle measure.” Is. And for that it should be of interest, it should be downloaded more and more and people will use it “.

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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