This frog-faced turtle literally sucked its prey millions of years ago

© Andrey Atuchin

Helped by researchers from the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Madagascar fossil scientists have discovered a new species of turtle already extinct since the geological period of Cretaceous. Baptism Sahoncheol is cruel, Or Turtle Frog with a rapid mouth in the native Malagasy language, the turtle will have a face similar to a frog.

This turtle really sucked its prey

This frog faced the turtle in its prey literally millions of years ago. This species of turtle was baptized Sahoncheol is cruel It was found while searching for the remains of dinosaurs and crocodiles at a suitable site for such an expedition in Madagascar. In particular, he found an almost intact skeleton: ” The specimen is absolutely stunning and is certainly one of the best preserved Late Cretaceous turtles known from any southern continent. In all cases this is an exceptionally rare discovery Said Walter Joyce, lead author of the study and paleontologist at the University of Friborg in Switzerland.

The animal was about 25 centimeters in length, with a flattened skull, round mouth, and large bones measuring the tongue. This acted as a vacuum cleaner and gave the turtle the appearance of an amphibian. According to a study published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, the latter belongs to the family Pelomedusidae, of which some species are still living as we speak.

According to the researchers, the fast-mouthed frog tortoise was probably eating. ” This is a special underwater feeding method, in which the animal quickly opens its mouth and widens its throat with a large amount of water, including desired prey, plankton, tadpoles, and fish larvae. », Explained Walter Joyce.

© Andrey Atuchin

The species survived the extinction of the dinosaurs

According to paleontologists, many species of modern turtles are suckling, most of which belong to the family and have evolved separately from the fast-frog turtle. However, the latter would probably be the first Pelomedicidae developed by feeding by suction.

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Furthermore, scientists have not yet been able to determine when the new species of turtle appeared, or when and why it went extinct. However, she believes that she survived the great event that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and ended the Cretaceous period about 66 million years ago.

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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