The Trap Laughing at the Broken Piece of Chalk Cliff in Dover – SWR3

A large part of Dover’s famous chalk cliffs fell into the sea. The Internet community sees this as a symbolic status of the UK.

Great Britain is collapsing – this is how the network mocks the natural phenomenon that Walkers captures on photos and videos.

Because of the famous white cliffs in front of Dover in England, easily recognizable when arriving by ferry, a great deal of noise fell into the English Channel.

A large chunk of the White Cliffs of Dover has collapsed this afternoon. This footage was filmed in Samphire Ho.

Funny reactions to Chalk Cliff Demolition

In social networks, users jokingly insisted that the spectacle was a symbol of the status of the United Kingdom.

“What humour, irony and the nature of the times: Brexit-Britain’s iconic cliffs fall into icy seas,” someone wrote on Twitter. Another user asks if he [der abgebrochene Brocken] Trying to protect France?

@adamclarkitv @bakerstherald A fitting metaphor for the country.

@adamclarkitv @bakerstherald So the epitome of Tory shambolism…

@adamclarkitv @bakerstherald If there ever was a perfect symbolic image of this country at this time. #ToriesOut #BorisResign

@adamclarkitv @SpeakingSatan trying to protect France?

@adamclarkitv @bakerstherald What a sense of humour, irony and the nature of the times: Brexit Britain’s iconic reefs collapse into an icy sea.

Reasons why chalk rocks crumble more often

The soft structure of chalk is particularly prone to corrosion. The force of the waves hitting the rocks, as well as storms and heavy rainfall, contribute to such a natural phenomenon. That’s why the parts keep falling into the sea.

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Compared to the last 20 years: Broken was bigger

According to the researchers, the rocks have eroded ten times faster in the last 150 years than in the past 7,000 years. According to the information received from the online portal kent live But it was only the third time in the last 20 years that such a large piece had broken.

Chalk rocks cracked near Dover (Photo: DPA Buildfunk, Picture Alliance/Ampix | Gareth Fuller)

A large part of the famous White Rocks near Dover fell into the English Channel.

dpa buildfunk

Picture Alliance/Ampix | Gareth Fuller

Chalk rocks break even at Rügen

Chunks of chalk rocks also break from time to time on the Baltic Sea island of Rügen. In February 2005, the main Battle of Vissover Clinton fell into the sea with approximately 50,000 cubic meters of chalk. In 2011, a girl from Brandenburg died in a miscarriage.

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