Tests, driving schools, hairdressers …: Decisions taken by the Consultative Committee

According to the advisory committee, it is still too early to assess the potential impact of travel returns and year-end celebrations. But there is a rebirth of hope for contact businesses.

LHe called on videoconferencing within the Concentration Committee to the governments of the federal government and the governments of the unions.

Codeco announced that it had taken the following decisions:

Compulsory telecommunications maintained
. “Workers will have more control over workplaces that a quarantine should honor,” the statement said.

Non-essential travel is not recommended
. “There will be more testing on compliance with the requirement of testing and quarantine requirement after non-essential travel. Control will also be increased when passengers return to the streets. The rules related to travel will remain in force until after the Carnival holidays.

Vaccination is gaining momentum
. “The Consultative Committee has asked the task force in charge of vaccination to speed up the vaccination rate and make it more efficient”.

More testing
. “The Health Ministers and Testing Task Force are tasked with increasing the number of PCR tests and antigen tests within the current testing capacity.”

Caution in teaching
. “We have to be more circumspect with regard to health and quarantine measures among school-age children, especially children attending school in our neighboring countries who are experiencing less favorable epidemic conditions”.

Possibilities for self-employment

The committee has a special term for self-employed and entrepreneurs. He called on the Expert Council (GEMS) to “re-open the timetable” and “to identify areas where strict protocols and additional sanitation measures were required”. CODECO expects concrete proposals to encourage the motivation of the population in this difficult period. “

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The Middle Class and Independent Minister, David Clarinval (MR), received what he wrote in the evening columns on Friday. The minister is proceeding on the order of priority: “It is certain that contact businesses (hairdressers, beauticians) will reopen first. This means that if the contamination curve maintains the current rate, the consultation committee of the 22nd will contact businesses. Can decide to reopen. It can be done in late January or early February. ”

Another minister is eligible: “This is not the decision that was taken. It was decided to reopen them ‘as soon as possible’. We are not particularly sure that the figures will meet expectations in two weeks. “

Driver’s license

However, one thing is certain that driving schools will reopen from Monday. Or rather the examination center. “Hundreds of people are waiting for a driving license”, Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo), Minister of Mobility, explains. “Or to find him. To get either. But this is not strictly an innate thing. “

The Consultative Committee will meet again on 22 January and hope that it will then be possible to better assess the impact of travel returns, year-end celebrations and the reopening of schools.

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About the Author: Piers Parker

Alcohol maven. Incurable pop culture specialist. Communicator. Gamer. Certified explorer.

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