Formed in 2017, the Astronomy and Sciences Club of Swimmers (18 members) submitted a project in late 2019 as part of the Citizens Participation Budget aimed at acquiring high-performance observation tools. The result fell in autumn 2020, with its 420 votes the project was rewarded by the Canton of Pays de Serres, for a sum of approximately € 9,500, well done!
The club brings together people curious about scientific disciplines, especially in astronomy. It gives them an opportunity to share this passion. The association purchases educational equipment, models, didactic panels and defines specific programs according to needs. Since 2017, it has been organizing free public events around Taayrak: night sky observation, science workshops and activities that often attract a lot of people (up to 500 people). One of the objectives of the association is to participate in mobility. The village and surrounding communities by offering a new activity that will bring together curious people of all ages.
So far, the club has used binoculars borrowed by volunteers from the same association. The winning project acquires high-performance observation tools to provide additional observation posts and thereby attract new enthusiasts. Recently, at Tyrek’s Town Hall at 2 pm, Aubrey Campus President of Astronomy and Science Club of Tyrex presented Bernard new material to Sophie Border, Departmental Advisor to Marie-France Sall, Chair of the Departmental Council. Within the framework of the “Citizen Participation Budget” the procession departmental advisor, Théré Delpech Mayor of Taयrak and Thomas Benezet, members of the advisory board.
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