Spider-Man Miles Morales includes bright-animated spider-verse suit • Eurogamenet

Pre-orders are unlocked early as a bonus.

Includes incredibly cool Spidey suits from the PlayStation 5 launch title Spider-Man Miles Morales animated Spider-Man: in the Spider-Shlok movie.

The design of the suite is not only the same, it is animated to look at the same speed. Seriously, just look at this:

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However – of course, always a but – it is listed as a pre-order bonus. The YouTube description of the gameplay trailer above confirms this as a “pre-order bonus” Twitter, Marvel describes it as a “launch day bonus”.

This seems to be the second case to be teased in this image showing other pre-order goodies (a track suit, gravity well gadget and three additional skill points):


So, if you don’t pick up Miles Morels at launch, will you be able to get the suit later? [UPDATE: Yes, you can. Insomniac Games has subsequently confirmed via Twitter it will unlock later for everyone, and the “pre-order bonus” is for an early unlock.]

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is definitely available on PlayStation 4 as well as PS5 and free upgrades are available if you choose PS5 later. But the deluxe version of Miles Morales is PS5-only to remember, and you’ll need it to remaster the exclusive new Spider-Man. Simple.

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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