She met her brother Barak late

His half-brother Barack is one of the most famous people in the world, Auma Obama himself met the former US president at just 24 years of age. To reduce Dr. Obama to his famous brother would not qualify for his impressive synergy. Now Germans, sociologists, journalists and writers are daring to step into an entertainment program and take part in “Let’s Dance”.

“Normally I can’t dare to participate in a competition like this,” says 60-year-old Frankly. “Although I am a passionate dancer, I like to dance in competition with children from my ‘Sauti Kuu’ Foundation in Allego / Kenya. It is about celebrating the best dancer and although I have no chance against children Hai, I like it. To participate. It’s so fun to be there and that’s what I want to do with ‘Let’s Dance’ – the main thing is that it’s fun. “That’s a good motto, because Audiences should also enjoy entertainment shows in the foreground. One or two strong words of Joachim Lalambi must end.

<< नए "लेट्स डांस" सीज़न के बारे में सभी जानकारी यहाँ पाई जा सकती है। >>>

Auma Obama was born in 1960 in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. His father is Barack Obama Sr., who left his family to study in the United States at that time. Ama Obama’s mother Kejia was a housewife. Auma also went abroad to study: his fascination for German literature helped him obtain a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service, which enabled him to study German and sociology from 1980 in Saarbrücken and Heidelberg. In 1996, he did his doctorate at Bayreuth. At the same time, he graduated from the German Film and Television Academy in Berlin. During her studies she worked as a consultant in adult education for the Frederick Ebert Foundation and the Karl Duisberg Society. As a freelance journalist, he worked primarily with the image of Africa and the Germans of Africa. She moved to the UK in 1986, married and had a daughter. She now lives in Nairobi again.

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When she was 24 and studying in Heidelberg, she received a letter from her younger half-brother Barak, who later became the US President. He then visited Barak in the USA. In 1984, Barack was to become the first black president of the United States of America after nearly 35 years. Her sister supported her in the 2008 election campaign. In his book “Dreams from My Father”, Obama wrote about his first meeting with his sister: “I felt as if someone had turned my world upside down, as if I woke up with a blue sun in a yellow sky.” Ho or as if I was listening to animals speak like humans. “

<< तस्वीरों में 14 वें सीज़न के "लेट्स डांस" के उम्मीदवार। >>>

Ama Obama’s life theme is her social commitment. After several years with an international aid organization in Africa, she established her own foundations “Sauti Kuu” in Germany and Kenya in 2010. The name comes from the language of Kissville and means “strong voice” in German.

In 2010 Auma Obama published his autobiography “Life Always Interrupts: A Journey on the Station” exclusively in German and was a frequent guest on German television during this phase, including “Maybright Ilner” (ZDF), Frank Alstner Of “Menschain” (ARD). ), “Beckman” (ARD), “Kolner Tref” (WDR), “NDR Talkshow” and RTL Dan Marathon. In addition, Auma Obama travels around the world as a keynote speaker on the topic “Ecological, Economic and Social Sustainability” and was awarded the “German Speaker Award” 2015 for his presentations. Dr. Auma Obama has received several awards.

Aama Obama is one of the 14 nominees for the 14th season of “Let’s Dance”, which has aired on RTL since February 26 and in a live stream on TVNow.

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Other “Let’s Dance” candidates at a glance:

  • Jan Hofer (68, longtime “Tageschau” spokesperson)
  • Kai Ibel (55, SportReaper)
  • Valentina Pahde (26, actress)
  • Nicholas Puschman (29, formerly “Prince Charming”)
  • Mickey Crouse (50, pop singer)
  • Sena Gamour (41, singer, entertainer, impressed)
  • Errol Sander (52, actor)
  • Lola Wepert (24, presenter, influencer, model)
  • Roorich Gilleson (32, professional footballer)
  • Il Delange (43, musician)
  • Simon Zachenhuber (22, Boxer)
  • Kim Reinberg (26, model)
  • Vanessa Niggert (28, singer)

What: God

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