Scientists say that eating avocado once a week is good for the heart

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Avocado is a widely consumed fruit in the world, and its demand has only increased in recent years, but not without social, economic and environmental consequences…

eat two servings avocado, a whole fruit, reduces the risk of heart disease. This concludes the most important prospective study ever conducted on the benefits of the so-called diet star fruit. Healthy or healthy. Scientists at Harvard School of Public Health, supported byAmerican Heart Institute, Followed over 100,000 health professionals for 30 years. Over the years, he had 9,185 coronary diseases and 5,290 . have listed heart attack, These data were cross-referenced with their food sector, whose consumptionRepresentative, assessed by a dietary questionnaire every four years. Benefits were seen in participants who consumed it once or more times per week.

Avocado linked to lower risk of cardiovascular disease

Scientists have calculated that people who eat two parts avocado Those who ate 16% and 21% less per week, respectively, had a lower risk of developing heart or coronary disease than those who ate.

In contrast, no beneficial association was observed for heart attacks. According to the scientists’ computer models, replacing half a serving of margarine, butter, egg or meat with an equal amount of avocado also has a beneficial effect; 16 to 22% reduction in the risk of heart disease. this educationObservationally, cannot demonstrate a causal link between avocado consumption and a reduction in heart disease, but only an association.

Avocados are particularly high in fiber, unsaturated fatty acids. monounsaturated fatty acids, and other components that have been linked to good heart health. In recent years, global demand for avocados has exploded. A popularity that has its dark side, especially the environment, as the avocado is imported from countries as far away as Europe or grown in arid regions where it requires an astronomical amount of water to grow.

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