Priyanka Chopra, who was elected Miss World at the age of 17, has come a long way. Nick Jonas’s sublime wife worked hard to convince people that you can make a good head … and very complete.
On the personal side, she introduces her love affair with her husband, singer Nick Jonas. The two lovebirds engaged in Mumbai, India in August 2018, before saying “yes” on December 1, 2018 regarding Hindu and Christian traditions during a four-day grand wedding. On the pro side, which so many men imagined about the “Quantico” series, is still a hit on Netflix with “The White Tiger”. The liberal Priyanka also supports various causes through “The Priyanka Chopra Foundation for Health and Education”, which works to support underprivileged children across the country in the fields of education and health. A clever businessman with 61 million followers on Instagram, has also opened up to gold; An Indian restaurant in the center of New York. Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world and Forbes one of the 100 most powerful people! Beautiful course, beautiful revenge even for a man who was humiliated at school during his teenage years, the one who “likes himself and is not good enough that way”, the one who was up to fight against all kinds of prejudices. . And all types….
More than 20 years ago, you were voted Miss World. How did this competition prepare you for this cruel world called Showbiz?