Prince Harry has saved the last environmental speech for 16 baths after the backfire. Royal | News

The presenter of Good Morning Britain criticized the Duke of Sussex for having 16 bathrooms in his Montecito mansion. When launching a new streaming platform for environmental programs, Harry called on members of the public to be “like the rain” and told him to “practice what you promote.”

The presenter reported that he counted how many drops of water he kept in each of Prince Harry’s bathrooms.

In his remarks against Good Morning Britain, Mr Morgan also accused Harry of “using someone who used private jets like taxis”.

He said: “Prince Harry is the one who is properly shortened. I think we know where the briefings came from.

“He was coming back in his hostage video yesterday, telling us all that we should all be like the rain.

“Each of us, ‘if it rains each of us,'” he declared.

“It’s to cure the world of global warming, apparently, from his California swamp, which coincidentally has 16 bathrooms that speak of rain.

“Apparently every bath, I just counted it, used 4.5 million drops of water in each bath. Their 16 bathrooms, if used daily, would use 72 million drops of water a day.

“So when Prince Harry Key says if it rains on each of us, well you’re currently using 722 million drops of water every day. What about taking some of it and keeping it, what does he call it, the basis of perching? ”

He said: “Stop using private jets, private jets are the biggest ghazal of the imaginary carbon footprint.

“They use them like taxis, stop using private jets. In fact you want to be raining. Seriously, a rain of yourself.

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“Stop taking some baths. Stop using private jets. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. This is not good publicity. I want you to practice what he preaches. ”

Mr Morgan had earlier addressed the Duke and the Duchess of Sussex’s efforts to combat climate change.

Commenting on the couple’s 11 112 million Netflix deal, Mr Morgan suggested he was not interested in their upcoming “Awake” documentaries.

He told the Sunday Mirror: “I’m looking forward to all of their awake documentaries with the kind of excitement I’m looking forward to doing root canal surgery at the dentist.”

Mr Morgan has been accused of being “obsessed” with the Dassault of Sussex because of the number of times he has hit her on the program.

He admits in a Tell-All book that his son even questioned why he was “so caring” about Sussex.

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