Viewers of The One Show were stunned to see Thursday’s show, when hosts Alex Jones and Gethsemane Jones performed sternly with Caroline Cantin and her dance partner Johannes Radeb.
During the interview, the hosts played a bizarre video message from Caroline’s old sail and co-star legend Debbie McGee.
Debbie wished her friend luck in a sweet clip filmed from her living room – but there was an unusual ornament in her background.
The people of the house like the head of her late husband, the magician Paul Daniels, in a jar on a shelf behind her.
One tweeted: “Is that Paul Daniels’ full head?”
Another commented: “Debbie McGee puts Paul Daniels’ head in a glass dome beside her fire. Magic now! #One show “.
A third added: ” # Tionsho Did Debbie McGee’s Paul Daniels come to the terrarium? ”
Debbie worked as a magic assistant to Paul from a brain tumor until his death in 2016.
He said emphatically: “Hi Caroline, this is me, beautiful Debbie McGee, I’ve heard you wish a lot of luck for Saturday night, I’m sure you’ll have a ball.”
“And I don’t mind losing the title of my beautiful Goddess McGee, because as soon as everyone knows you and your lovely natural funny personality, you’ll be the beautiful Caroline Quantin!”
“Oh my darling! Isn’t he adorable? I did my first job with Debbie McGee!” Caroline cried.
Gigli Carolyn and Johannes revealed that they are jumping straight into the deep end of Saturday’s show and added a lift to their first routine which is American Smooth is
“I can string a sentence together, I’m so tired!” Concerned Caroline
He joked that there was a secret dark side to Johannes, he said: “She looks very pretty but there are some things here that I have revealed that are not pleasurable.
* One show airs on BBC 1 on weekdays at 7:07 p.m.