On/Off button to return

special letter customer Formerly a good place on all electronic devices, it has gradually disappeared with the advent of the smartphone.

Dear Members,

Welcome to this new version of “Screen Capture”.

When was the last time you turned off your smartphone? No doubt several weeks ago, probably several months. These devices that never leave us, our “digital cuddly toys,” are no longer designed to be turned off. Everything in them distracts us from it.

A “Power” button. Alex Schmidt, Creative Commons.

This has been done in observation Anesthesiology: Humanity in the grip of technology, an indictment essay published last Friday by FYP Editions. The author, Diego Hidalgo, creator of Spanish start-ups (he founded the local BlaBlaCar, Amovens), is part of this caste of repentants who can no longer see the digital in painting. His table of technology excesses, in its entirety, blends the usual critiques against the backdrop of Orwell and Bernanos’s quotes: surveillance societies, planned obsolescence, the cult of data. All this has already been written by others.

A passage caught my attention. calling usMentally protect…

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