New Pokémon Snap Game Released, 01 May 2021

It was yesterday that the video game was officially released worldwide New Pokémon Snap, Especially on the Nintendo Switch.

Developed by Bandai Namco, the New Pokémon Snap takes us on an unprecedented adventure inspired by the Nintendo 64, a classic game released on Pokémon Snap. Walking beaches, studying the bizarre Lumina phenomenon, exploring forests, over 200 Pokémon, and pictures of all Pokémon.

Welcome to Lentis, where the forests are as dense as the deserts are vast. You will photograph a wide variety of wild Pokémon that thrive in the midst of the natural and untouched places of many islands that make it up.

Pokémon and flora in Lentis occasionally emit a slight rebuke. This phenomenon, called Lumina, is unique to the New Pokemon Snap region. At the request of Professor Miroir, you will do an ecological study on your trusty Neo One vehicle. Thus you will have to photograph the Pokémon of this region in their natural habitats to unravel the mystery of the Lumina phenomenon.

Professor Mirror will evaluate your photos. Your final score will be based on various criteria, such as the pose of the photo Pokémon, whether it is in front of you or not, or its position in the frame. Thus, you will be able to explore during your Exploring Pokemon, adopting behaviors and behaviors as yet unknown.

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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