NASA plans to build a telescope on the moon

Telescopes are devices that are used to collect data from distant objects. The most famous of these are optical telescopes. These magnifying glasses, for example, allow amateurs to observe the moon or other more distant elements.

Sincerely: NASA

However, there are other categories of telescopes that scientists use to capture various elements. In this category, we find Radio telescopes, which are used to capture radio waves instead of light waves. It is one of the instruments that NASA would like to build on the moon.

Why the moon?

Sending a team of workers to the moon with enough material to find an observational tool seems difficult to implement. So why so much trouble making it? What are the benefits of moving away from the earth?

To understand the interest of building on the Moon, it is important to understand how such devices work. Without going into details, A radio telescope requires a parabolic-shaped collector to focus the signal toward the detector. Just like a TV dish does. If precision is necessary in terms of optical signals (we speak in nanometers), Radio signals leave room for maneuver around the perimeter. In addition, the shape of the waves makes it possible to use an openwork “reflector” instead of a mirror.

The creation of a radio wave collector takes up a lot of space. For example, Aresibo measures 305 meters in diameter and 51 meters in depth. It represents an area of ​​over 8 hectares. The ratio of such structure on Earth has two major problems.

First, space is available, because it is not always easy to free up and secure so much space in areas far away from cities, without causing harm to nature. And finally gravity. The effect of gravity can be felt by a structure of this magnitude, as happened with Arecibo. Also note that the receiver is, for this telescope, an adjustable platform of 900 tons suspended 150 meters above the dome.

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Therefore, the moon is a deserted place that expands the deserted desert and there is 6 times less gravity. Which would limit constraints on the structure. This will also relieve scientists from the electromagnetic pollution present on the Earth and will also free them from absorption from the atmosphere.

Is the ideal place

To build your telescope, Therefore NASA needs a large, concave surface directed towards space. The answer seems ready. In fact, the agency would like to build radio telescopes in the future One of the craters on the far side of the moon.

A naturally concave shape and low gravity will allow it to be built on Earth as opposed to a uniform construction without deploying too much heavy equipment. If the hardware part seems simple, A simple wire mesh is to be installed on pedestals, The human part is very low. To mitigate the problem, NASA can send robots to do most of the work.

Such telescopes, free of terrestrial obstacles, will give scientists the opportunity to take cues to make this possible. First understand the formation of starss and perhaps also discover about the nature of dark matter.

Source: BGR

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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