Nadia Beck S01: Baking Therapy at Its Best

Nadia Hussain’s infectious, warm and upbeat character breaks away from the screen in the eight-part series Nadia Bucks. “Come on, eat and be happy.” In the series, Nadia cooks savory and sweet dishes and goes back to her first true love: baking. From daily treats to sharing desserts, Nadia leads the audience with Josh from baking basics to her signature twist.

The series is a classic cooking show in terms of design: three dishes are made in a beautiful open kitchen. From cupcakes and scones, with twists, pizza breads and donuts filled with chicken, Nadia covered it. ‘Baking is my happy place.’ The winner of The Great British Bake Off 2015 has spoken openly about his anxiety and panic disorder over his lifelong struggle and even made a documentary about it. For her, baking gives peace and with the series she also wants to take the viewer to her happy place. And that works.

Each episode she stages bakers and pastry chefs in the UK, whom she admires. And, not surprisingly, not all of the people he has chosen for this are whites. Master chocolatier Aneesh Popat, found material expert Ravneet Gill and pastry chef Nastassja Lusengo will be featured. It is important that she shows a diversity of British bakers, as cooking shows often feature blondes who ‘specialize’ about classic (British) cuisine.

Because of this, and through her personal stories of how she grew up with British classics, but with a Bangladeshi and South Asian twist, she shows that her experiences are also British. And his recipe too.

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‘Like spices are not just savory with commentary. Who says?’ And ‘why the debate between cream and jam? Who cares how you eat it? ‘She also challenges the audience to think differently about the classics and is not afraid to do what you want. And isn’t that what eating and cooking should be about?

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