LIVE | France is shutting down all traffic from Britain, more measures are inland

France will shut down all UK traffic from midnight due to the more contagious Corona variant. There is no way that people can move between the two countries. This measure also applies to freight movement in which people play a role. Eurotunal will also be closed.

A solution is being sought for French citizens who want to go to France after 48 hours. They should have a PCR corona test anyway.

The 48-hour period is used to agree a new trial regime with other EU countries.

Germany is suspending flights from the United Kingdom due to a new version of the Corona virus. Germany also bans air traffic from South Africa, where mutations have also been found.

German travel restrictions take effect on Sunday midnight. How long they will stay is not known yet. Germany is still consulting with other European countries about the measures.

Havens and urotunals

The German newspaper Bild wrote that the European Union would take even more drastic measures by stopping all passenger traffic from the United Kingdom at the beginning of the week, including sea and rail. This means that the port and Eurotunal will be closed.

The Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Sweden and Italy have already halted or imposed air traffic with the United Kingdom.


European Union countries called emergency talks on Sunday about the highly contagious Corona version that emerged in the United Kingdom. He would have discussed, among other things, whether he should temporarily cut off the boat, train and road connections with reports from the UK, AFP agency agency.

See also  Denmark calls for a negative test for all arrivals by air

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