little french left behind

, If you pass someone on the street, they will talk to you about “nut science” and they will tell you that they dissected frogs there. David Baudou, teacher of Life and Earth Sciences (SVT) at the Vendée, is ironic about the (very) predictable memory that the French hold in their discipline. And for good reason: in the OECD [Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques], our little ones are recognized for their poor results in science. Instead of scientific teaching in our education system, what questions to ask in the face of the climate challenge and France’s fight for industrial sovereignty.

In the very serious TIMSS 2019 survey, French CM1 students are ranked last among OECD countries in science. In fourth grade, they obtain an average score of 489 points, compared to the OECD/EU average of 515 points. , Observation is bitter, the place given to science in school is too low David Baudou, president of the Association of Biology and Geology Teachers (APBG), is sorry. According to statements from science teachers interviewed in the section of TIMSS devoted to the fourth year, a student takes an average of 128 hours of science lessons per year at the OECD, compared to 113 in France.

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