If Apple has dared to fully review the iPad Pro’s dare, the camera unit on the other hand hasn’t changed: it’s exactly the same as the previous iPad Pro. Of course, there’s a new ultra-wide-angle photo sensor on the front that “follows” the user during a video call (read: iPad Pro M1: Frame Center feature doesn’t lose your sight).
But in retrospect, no physical novelty. This does not prevent Apple from adding support for Smart HDR 3 instead of Smart HDR. But above all, we get a completely new function that Apple has not mentioned (it certainly exists on the iPad Pro 2020 as well): a microscope! It was Sebastian Day With, the developer of the Halide photo app, who accidentally stumbled upon it.
He realized that the focus of the camera could be focused on objects placed closest to the sensor, which would lead to truly striking macro images. On the iPhone 12 Pro, and typically on any iPhone, the design of the photo block begins to lose focus as it paddles when the sensor is about 3 inches away from the subject.
Apple has more elbow room in the iPad Pro’s chassis that offers a focus on this greater flexibility (which the iPhone will long deprive of a priority). With the D Note that LIDAR, which assists autofocus, can sometimes make this type of shot quite difficult, but the manual mode of the Halide allows you to override it. This is quite amazing!
Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.