Inspired by Giovanni Perinis, Ranveer Singh takes a picture of his son with a haircut

Ranveer Singh may have left Streetly Low Dancing on the weekend, becoming the last hurdle before the final, but the influence of his dancing partner is still being seen.

The 43-year-old Good Morning Britain presenter formed a close relationship with 30-year-old Giovanni Parnis, who helped her dance in the semifinals of the strike.

While he helped Ranveer bring his two left legs to inspire him in some great performances for the strict judges, it was his haircut that left a lasting impression on his son.

Ranveer celebrated their connection with the Italian dancer by posting a rare eight-year-old picture of Tushan on Instagram, showing that his son’s shoulder length hair has been shaved to look like Giovanni’s style.

Ranveer Singh showed his new post-strikely style

Ranveer headlined the post, which was before and after the pictures: “My little boy …! This is the effect of ের Perinisegiovanon 1”

The GMB presenter, who was separated from her husband Ranjit Singh Dehal before her drastic move, also shared a glamorous shot of her new trim.

Earlier this week, while talking to Lauren on ITV, Ranveer expressed his frustration at not losing the final.

She said she may be tired after spending a long day presenting at the GMB in the morning before going to the dance studio to learn her steps.

Ranveer showed the boy’s cut from his shoulder length hair

Shaved cut inspired by Ranjir’s strict partner

He said: “I can’t believe how much I got, to be honest so to come so close and not make it to the finals, it hurts a bit.

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“But until the end, I’m glad we left a beautiful dance – and I obviously don’t want to mean creatures!”

Talking about the long time it took to bring the BBC show, Ranveer said: “I think I got a little tired in the end.”

Ranveer said he had a “special” connection with Giovanni Parnis

Ranveer added: “If Giovanni had stayed here, it would have meant that my energy level would have started to decrease somewhat towards the end.

“I think it’s just a lack of sleep and work and then obviously one of my sons got home so I couldn’t train until ten at night. I needed to go home, that’s my job, my main job is to be a mother. That’s the decent thing to do, and it should end there. “

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