If iPhone had worked then Apple would have called Flash as No.

Apple did not reject the idea of ​​Flash on the iPhone, as former head of iOS development, Scott Forstall, clarified that Apple also provided technical support to Adobe, but the results were considered frightening..

Testifying in the context of the lawsuit between Apple and Epic Games, Scott Forstall clarified that there has been no royal opposition to Adobe’s content animation and media management technology on iOS, although users will not find their account there:

We did not release Flash. We have tried to make Flash work. We have helped Adobe. We were really interested. Again, this is an area where I thought it might be great if we could help make it work.

Flash has been a major problem in the way it integrates with the system, it has been a virus nightmare on Windows, even on a Mac.

And while we ran it on iOS the performance was just horrifying and annoying, it wasn’t possible to come up with something that would provide additional value for consumers.

Kevin Lynch, Adobe’s technical director who supported Apple’s refusal in his time. Aware of the value of the person, Apple hired him and Lynch has been leading the development of watchOS since 2013.

Flash on the iPhone was a long soap opera between Apple and Adobe, two longtime partners. In March 2008, a year after the iPhone was announced, Steve Jobs rejected the idea of ​​the player arriving at his new mobile system on the grounds that Flash had shown insufficient performance there and was puncturing too much battery . .

A few days later, believing in its capabilities, Adobe assured it of its intention to create an iOS version in anticipation of opening the App Store in the summer of the same year. Recognizing that Apple’s help was necessary as desired. In October 2008, an iOS version of Flash Player was turned on in Adobe but Apple and the App Store’s doors remained closed.

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Faced with an adobe that delivered Flash Player to any air on other platforms – not without running against criticism over their performance – and ended the debate in April 2010 for criticizing the intransigence of Apple Steve Jobs gave.

With the launch of the iPad in 2010, Steve Jobs published “his thoughts on Flash” on the home page of the Apple site. An indictment against adobe’s technology

He published the famous open paper in which he aligns Apple’s many arguments against Adobe technology (see also that Steve Jobs tried to recruit Kevin Lynch in 2010). Flash’s poor performance was again cited, but it was no longer the only problem.

In two years, the App Store grew larger and with it all the potential of the iPhone app. Flash was no longer seen as just Chinese throwing into the iPhone’s tank, but as a software platform in itself, able to compete with the development of native apps. Adobe is also interested in pushing developers towards their SDKs rather than Apple’s development kit.

Since January 12, Adobe has buried all content still online by default on all platforms and browsers.

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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