How to get a QR code that allows you to travel in the EU?


The QR code certifying their vaccination will soon be downloadable from the health insurance website. This will allow travel within the European Union.

This summer, European citizens should once again be able to travel freely to various countries of the European Union without the risk of an epidemic. But for this they have to prove their vaccination. Since May 3, vaccinated people already have two QR codes: “Datamatrix” which proves that the document holder has been vaccinated and another QR code that allows the user to scan his or her certificate and TousAntiCidid in the TousAntiCovid Carnet space Allows to be stored in government app. . These two QR codes are automatically entered into new certificates.

On the other hand, those who were vaccinated before 3 May do not have these means of authentication. This, according to Kovidtracker, concerns about 707,618 French people, allowing the development of the coronavirus epidemic in France to follow. They would have to wait until the second half of May to be able to dispose of it in their turn. To do this, all you need to do is connect to your account. A dedicated space will allow these QR codes to be downloaded in their digital version and can be printed.

But to actually travel within the European Union, all vaccinated people will still have to wait a bit. When interoperability between all European players takes effect – it should happen this summer – all travelers will need to download a new QR code from the Health Insurance website. It is one that must be presented at the boundaries when traveling by plane, train, or car.

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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