Google Play app listings will require privacy information next year, as will the App Store

Starting next year, apps on Google Play will post details about the data they collect, along with other information about their data privacy and security practices, in the new security section on their list. The announcement came a few months after Apple appeared on the App Store with similar privacy information. In the same way as Apple’s policy covers its own applications and those developed by third parties, Google states that proprietary applications will also be required to provide this information.

According to Google, the initiative aims to “help people understand what data the app collects or shares, whether that data is secure, and additional details that affect privacy and security.” This section will detail which data apps the user can use (such as personal information such as location, contacts, or email address), but Google says it also wants to allow developers to reference its How it is used and what it means. Functions of their applications.

Google Calendar to bring new policy.
Picture: Google

In particular, Google claims that applications will provide information about the encryption of data and compliance with Google standards. Policies for users targeting children and users may or may not opt ​​out of data sharing. Google says the information will also reveal whether a third party has checked the security section of the app and whether users can request that their data be deleted.

The new policy will not go into effect for several months, and Google says it should give developers enough time to implement the changes. It says that developers will be able to start announcing new privacy information in the fourth quarter of this year, and it will start appearing to users in the first quarter of 2022. New applications and app updates will be required to include these new privacy statements. From Q2 2022. And, apps you can’t see are finally stopping their updates.

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This new initiative to provide more information about privacy and data security comes after Google recently announced a patch about allowing apps. They appear on the Google Play Store. Although an exact implementation date has yet to be announced, app listings will not be allowed to eventually use Trick and allow themselves to be made much more eye-catching, such as entering words in all caps or Using Allozys in application names. Google says more information about the new policies will come in the second half of this year.

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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