Fireball Video: Science Says ‘Most Amazing’ Meteor Spot In West America Moon | News

Some of the “amazing” fireballs that people in California, Oregon and Washington have seen are spot fireballs, spot fireballs, a meteor that struck the atmosphere, appeared on the evening of October 23. Go to the organization (IMO).

David told the IMO: “It was unbelievable.”

Devara described his experience in detail: “The fall of the object was so green and dramatic that I began to shout to the passenger in my car – ‘Oh, my – God – look, look …”

“I then cut it into pieces, tearing it to pieces, tearing it to pieces, tearing it to pieces, tearing it to pieces, tearing it to pieces, tearing it to pieces, tearing it to pieces, cutting it to pieces. I continued to try to see the pieces, the pieces, the pieces, the pieces, the pieces, the pieces, the pieces, the pieces, the pieces, the pieces, the pieces, the pieces, the pieces, the pieces.

“Then I wondered if it could be firework but I was sure it was a meteor, and came home and started testing the computer for other reports. It must have been green.”

Julie said: “I was in my car and just then I happened to come straight to the front and cross the horizon and go down fast.

“For one to two seconds it was almost as bright as the full moon.”

Marcia said: “In my 3 years of frequent stellar and meteoric life, comet observation I have not seen anything that came close to it in shape.

“I almost thought it was the first full moon, but it was a crescent moon and it was big, shining and falling.

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READ MORE: Meteors travel over 1,000,000 km / h in the atmosphere over Brazil.

The wind blows through the holes in the rock, separating it and causing it to explode.

The IMO said: “Fireballs are meteors that appear to be brighter than normal. The speed at which they strike the Earth’s atmosphere causes particles larger than one millimeter to flow into the sky and create a bright flash.

“These are the bright meteors we call fireballs and they often express fear and surprise for their witnesses.”

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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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