Encouraging data from Great Britain

Two Doses of AstraZeneca limit I delta version risks. The data coming from Great Britain is encouraging, as they say that Vaccination has good coverage Indian version. The one that scares Europe the most now coronavirus.

British study of AstraZeneca, Delta Edition

New data of the British Health Authority Public Health England (PHE) has shown that Vaccination COVID-19 astraZeneca Provides high level of protection against delta version (formerly called Indiana)

Real-world data from PHE published as pre-press showed that there are 2 doses of the vaccine 92% effective Against hospitalization due to the delta variant. And they showed no deaths among those who were vaccinated. The vaccine. also showed a high level of efficacy against alpha version (formerly English). There is an 86 percent reduction in hospitalizations and no deaths reported.

AstraZeneca’s first estimate of coverage of variants

The company says the data shows that the vaccine had low efficacy against minor, though significant, symptomatic disease. effectiveness of AstraZeneca Vaccine Against symptomatic disease it was against 74% alpha version and 64% against delta version.

The increased efficacy against serious illness and hospitalization, also notes AztraZeneca, is “supported by recent data showing a robust T-cell response to the COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine, which has been shown to have high and lasting protection.” should be correlated with.”

Variants and AstraZeneca: Study Data

The analysis included 14,019 cases delta version – 166 of whom were hospitalised – reviewing emergency hospital admissions in England between 12 April and 4 June. This real-world evidence against the delta version, AstraZeneca tells WebMD, “is based on limited follow-up after the second dose, which may affect estimates of effectiveness.”

i pangalos, Executive Vice President Biopharmaceuticals R&D, said, “This real-world evidence suggests that the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine provides a high level of protection against the delta variant, which is currently a concern given its rapid transmission. is an important area. The data suggests that the vaccine will continue to have a significant impact around the world, as it accounts for the vast majority of supplies to India and the COVAX initiative.”

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