EastEnders Follow spoilers.
EastEnders As the festivities begin in Albert Square, a trailer has been released for the first time for its upcoming Christmas special.
Ahead of the December 25 episode summary, it was revealed that “revenge has taken place on Walford’s menu this Christmas day and the face of a return to the past”.
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And now, the trailer shows that Ian Bill seems to be the target of something other than enthusiastic enthusiasm, when Dennis Fox gets an unnecessary audience.
Ian is trying to run an attack on his back and try to do “whatever it takes for the best Christmas right now” with his new wife Sharon, someone else has other plans.
The trailer sees Ian still grieving over his attack and says: “There’s still someone trying to catch me, it could be anyone” as shown to potential suspects Sharon and Ben.
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Meanwhile, Dennis panics when her murderous ex-husband returns to Lucas Johnson Square.
Dennis is seen telling Lucas “don’t get any closer” as he clutches his fist and looks at her.
Christmas will see the passion between Linda Carter and Max Branning burn, but what will her relationship with husband Mick mean?
And elsewhere, it looks like the lonely Christmas of Gray Atkins, who is seen staring at a dishwasher filled with knives, possibly haunted by the death of his wife, Chantelle.
So, it looks like Christmas 2020 in Albert Square will turn into an event like no other!
EastEnders Broadcast on BBC One on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday evenings.
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