DWTS Live tolerates errors as the host keeps reading the following two

Dance with the stars Has enjoyed an awkward moment during its recent live show.

The new host Tyra Banks is revealing which couples were safe and who will be the two below.

The former America’s next best model The star said CheersMonica Aldama and her partner Good Cherkowski said they were safe and sent them to the stage.

He then told American footballer Vernon Davis and Pro Peta Murgatroyd that they were in the bottom two.

Dance with the stars


Misunderstanding Tyra then said: “There was actually an error.

“I’m watching right now, and we have three couples. So we need to clean it up for a second.”

Tyra then had to call Monica again to let her know that she was actually downstairs.

“Please come back. Please come back Monica,” he said. “There’s been an error in our control room, but we’re fixing it. It’s live TV, isn’t it? It’s live TV insanity!”

Adding an apology to the pair, he proceeded: “I’m sorry, it’s live TV. I was reading my cards, but my cards were wrong.”

Despite the confusion, the judges defended Monica while sending actress Anne Heche home.

Tyra later tweeted: “Wowzers. Live TV. It’s so challenging to deal with moments like this in the wrong name on the card.

Sky Jackson to dance with the stars


Also on the show, Disney Channel star Sky Jackson achieved the top 10 of the series by dancing in tribute to the late co-star Cameron Boyce, who starred in the TV series Late Jesse.

“He was there for half of my life, which was crazy. We built this bond year after year and year after year,” he said.

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“He’s now dating me with that person. Of course I miss him every day but I have it on my phone so I can see him.”

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