CEO Mark Zuckerberg Criticizes Apples Vision Pro

In a recent statement, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg doubled down on his belief that the $500 Quest 3 is superior to the $3,500 Vision Pro, despite the higher resolution of the latter. This comes after analyst Benedict Evans revealed that Meta VR engineers claim the Vision Pro is “basically the same thing” as the Quest, but Zuckerberg disagrees.

Zuckerberg criticized the weight and “motion blur” of the Vision Pro, dismissing the higher resolution of Apple’s headset as an unnecessary tradeoff. He defended the Quest 3 as more cost-effective and comfortable, with “crisper” graphics, precision controllers, and a deeper content library.

The Quest 3 features two 2K LCD panels and weighs 515 grams, without a separate battery pack. In comparison, the Vision Pro boasts 4K microLED displays and weighs between 600-650 grams.

Zuckerberg also pointed out that the top apps on the Quest include social, browser, and video player apps, not just games. He believes that the Quest 3 provides a more well-rounded and immersive experience for users.

Despite differing opinions from analysts and engineers, Zuckerberg remains steadfast in his support for the Quest 3 over the Vision Pro. With its impressive features and affordability, the Quest 3 continues to be a top choice for virtual reality enthusiasts. Stay tuned for more updates on the VR industry on Insider Wales Sport.

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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