The agreement reflects the willingness of both institutions to support and promote economic cooperation and foster the development of an entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The French public investment bank, and the Islamic Society for the Development of the Private Sector (SID) have entered into a partnership, allowing the provision of an online self-training platform “Bipéfrance Université e-learning” to managers companies in French . speaking countries that are members of the SID network.
The agreement reflects the willingness of both institutions to support and promote economic cooperation and foster the development of an entrepreneurial ecosystem.
In partnership with Bpifrance University, we are pleased to contribute to providing a quality e-learning platform in SID’s French-speaking member countries and the provision of technical support necessary for the development of skills. Free access to targeted training modules to address the challenges faced by private sector actors. SID CEO Ayman Amin Sejni. Helen Clement, Director of Programs and Courses at Bpifrance University, says: ” Support for entrepreneurs is the key to the growth of VSEs and SMEs, which is a source of value creation and employment. Our e-learning programs aim to help SME managers develop their skills and rethink their strategies and areas of their growth. It is therefore a great honor to collaborate with our partner SID to offer this content to French-speaking leaders. ».
Accessible training materials address all useful topics related to management and business development in the form of 5 to 10 minute sessions, such as: Strategy, Finance, Innovation, International, Marketing, Sales, Purchasing, Production, Supply Chain, Legal, Human Resource Management, Personal Development, Leadership, Digital Transformation, Corporate Social Responsibility…