‘Bad Out of Hell’ singer and actor Mead Lough has died at the age of 74

Produced largely by Todd Rundgreen, the album includes various sub-collections including hard rock power courts, 1950s-style chewing gum, and disco beats; The title track lasts for about 10 minutes. In some ways, the album resembles a rock-style Broadway musical such as “Hair”, performed by Mead Lough early in his career.

The list of backup musicians was impressive, including players such as Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band drummer Max Weinberg and keyboardist Roy Pitton. Members of the New York Philharmonic and the Philadelphia Band contributed; The eight-and-a-half-minute “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” also features Yankees announcer Bill Risudo playing baseball play-by-play, which also serves as an illusion.

After “Bad Out of Hell” Meat Loaf struggled to repeat its success. He temporarily lost his singing voice and became involved in lawsuits. Follow-up albums such as “Dead Ringer” (1981) and “Midnight at the Last and Found” (1983) were unsuccessful. He later declared personal bankruptcy.

In 1993 Mr. to Rolling Stone. Steinman said: “His manager, his lawyer, his vocal cords, his brain – he had a problem with a million different powers. He lost his voice, he lost his home and he was beautiful and very depressing.”

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