A resident of Voorburg won 20,000 euros at Vierendenlotrijo

Voorburg – A big surprise for the residents of Voorburg. He won 20,000 euros in the January draw of Vriendenloterij.

Not only do participants win at VriendenLoterij, but also social initiatives that provide people with insufficient means and opportunities. Half of all participants’ monthly contributions go to 50 charities operating in the field of health and wellness and more than 3,300 clubs, associations and foundations in the Netherlands.

At VriendenLoterij, your mobile phone number is your lottery number. Participants have a monthly chance to win over a million prizes with their mobile phone number and the opportunity to play for the charity of their choice. More than 528,000 families are now participating. Since 1998, more than 846 million euros have been donated to charity. Organizations such as KWF Kankerbestrijding, Fonds Gehandicaptensport, Alzheimer’s Netherlands and Jantje Baten receive annual contributions.

Along with the National Postcode Lottery and BankGiro Loterij, VriendenLoterij is part of the National Charity Lottery Holding. Charity Lotteries, along with Postcode Lotteries in the United Kingdom, Sweden and Germany, is the third largest private lender to charities in the world. www.friendslottery.

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About the Author: Piers Parker

Alcohol maven. Incurable pop culture specialist. Communicator. Gamer. Certified explorer.

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