The number of covid-related patients in the hospital this week in Wales crossed the peak of the first wave in April.
This serious milestone was announced by Health Secretary von Gahing when he spoke at a daily Welsh government briefing on Friday (November).
He said: “This week, the NHS has passed the April peak. There were more covid-related patients in the hospital on Wednesday than in the April final.
“This includes people with suspected and confirmed coronaviruses and people recovering from the virus.
“Discharge and sadly some deaths have reduced this number a bit.”
He added that the Welsh hospital currently has 1,36565 people with symptoms related to covid, which is 199 more than the same period last week.
The update comes ahead of Wales’ latest weekend under the August-Break Lockdown. The lockdown officially ended on Monday (November 2).
After this point, Wales will adhere to a new set of national initiatives. People will again be able to create house bubbles and meet in pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants.
Some of the tougher rules that have been in place for the past two weeks will be lifted, but the Welsh government still warns: Reduce the risk of fire.
Meanwhile, the furlough scheme will be extended until March, it has been announced.
The scheme was due to end on October 31, but the UK government announced it would continue due to a month-long lockdown plan.
See more details in our coverage of the Farlow Declaration.
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