The Importance of Cable Management

So much of our daily lives now depend on instant access to electricity, and it’s hard to imagine how things would be without it. Whether it’s at home or in the office, it’s hard to escape power cables and electrical wiring. However, despite the importance of these cables, they can become a problem if not properly taken care of.

If you want to have a tidy, safe and productive office or home, you should always ensure that the cables for your devices are properly arranged and taken care of. This practice is known as cable management, and it’s vital for safety, troubleshooting and productivity reasons. In this article, we’ll look at the importance of cable management and how you can ensure your cables are arranged carefully and neatly.


While we depend on electricity and use it constantly in our daily lives, it’s important not to forget how dangerous it can be. All of the cables in your home or office that are connected to mains electricity have the potential to kill. Loose wires or cables that have become damaged over time may lead to a serious shock or a risk of fire.

Because wiring can potentially be dangerous, it’s incredibly important to take care of it and ensure it’s properly maintained. This means providing the right conduits for your wires and checking cables and wiring for signs of damage. Electrical conduit wiring is used to protect wires from the environment, including impact, moisture and vapours.

All cables are covered in a protective, insulative sheath which is used to shield the live wires. This is normally made of PVC and is pretty durable, but it can still become damaged over time. Taking good care of these cables helps to prevent damage from occurring and also means that signs of wear and tear are easier to spot.

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Cables may also become a trip hazard when not properly stored away. While it may not sound as serious as shocks and fire, a trip can just as easily lead to a bad injury. Ensure that cables aren’t running across the floor, and if they are, use cable covers to remove the potential risk of tripping.


Safety concerns are perhaps the biggest reason to practice good cable management, but improving the troubleshooting process is also a big factor. If a device has a problem and you need to unplug it and test it, sorting through a huge mass of unrelated cables is going to waste a lot of time.

Bundling cables together and ensuring they’re easy to find helps save time while troubleshooting, meaning that any downtime or issues can be resolved quickly. Instead of searching for the right cable, you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for and can focus on the more important tasks.

Having untidy cables may also lead to more damage and issues with electronic devices. Especially if a lot of cables are tangled up, this can lead to abrasions and excess heat. This takes up yet more time on repairs and can lead to more expenses too.


Last but not least, having your cables sorted and arranged may help boost productivity. This is especially important when you’re in the office trying to work. Having an untidy office and desk leads to an untidy mind, and it’s hard to get things done when there’s a lot of mess all around you.

By sorting your cables and ensuring they’re tidy and neat, your desk and office will be a lot neater too. Organising things can lead to a happier and more productive mood, especially when it comes to the place where you work.

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About the Author: Tad Fisher

Prone to fits of apathy. Music specialist. Extreme food enthusiast. Amateur problem solver.

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