Twitter launches branded likes

Twitter has launched a new way for advertisers to increase brand engagement by turning the “Like” button into a personalized piece of art. Branded likes, as they should be, will be visible to consumers in the US, UK, Saudi Arabia and Japan for now.


Branded Likes are available as add-onstwitter timeline takeover offer, So, today when you open Twitter for the first time, the first advertisement for a brand will appear.

Advertisers will be able to select their “branded likes” as well as hashtags Up to 10 translations of this hashtag, When a user presses the Like button, a custom animation appears on all organic or promoted Tweets containing the hashtag. It will be visible in the same country as the brand’s takeover ad for up to 24 hours.

The social media platform says that two out of three people who responded to its survey find branded likes attractive. She also claims that Branded Likes had a positive effect in testing.

“During testing, Branded Likes had a positive effect when paired with a Timeline takeover, with a +277% increase in recalls and a +202% increase in purchase intent and views”Twitter said.

The service did not disclose the cost of the timeline takeover format. However, Promoted Trends, which work in the same way as takeover ads, cost around $200,000 a day.

So, even though branded likes are just an add-on, their cost can be prohibitive for most brands. However, as Twitter pointed out, it’s great for “a movie or series premiere, a big convention, a new product release, or even a global sporting event”. ,

In late 2021, Twitter also experimented with an ad format that would insert relevant ads into your Tweet conversations. The final step may be less intrusive in terms of promoting the brand to consumers.

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