Cornwall, a new Lithium Eldorado?


United Kingdom: Cornwall, a new lithium Eldorado?
France 2
article written by

M.Boisseau, L.Soudre, C.Madini, M.September, N.Boothby – France 2

France Television

the new eldorado from lithium is he looking for To Cornwall? There have been many unexpected discoveries of lithium in abundance in this region in the extreme south-west of Great Britain. A field as unpredictable as it is miraculous.

A former mining area in the far south-west of the UK, Cornwall still has something to offer. after cobalt and tin XIXth century, Cornwall is expecting a lithium rush today. Its reserves are said to be the most abundant in Europe: Enough to meet half of the UK’s needs within a few years, depending on the region. Lithium An important metal in the transition to the electric car.

Teams of British engineers have discovered lithium in the geothermal waters of Cornwall. To reach and remove it, you must first drill through the rock. purpose : 1600 meters deep. researchers have achieved time because They knew where to dig thanks to maps from 1864. A geologist actually studied the mysterious hot water that invaded Cornwall’s galleries and hindered the work of miners. ,They found that these waters were rich in lithiumMike Round, director of operations explains Cornish Lithium.

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