American actor Kevin Spacey, accused of sexually assaulting four men in the United Kingdom, will appear in a London court on Thursday, British police announced. “Kevin Spacey, 62, was formally indicted on Monday,” the Metropolitan Police said in a statement. “He will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, June 16 at 9 a.m. (French time),” he said.
In late May, the British Prosecutor’s Office gave the green light to charges against the star of the “House of Cards” series for four counts of sexual assault against three men between March 2005 and April 2013., The actor is also accused of engaging a person in penetrative sexual activity without their consent. Kevin Spacey then said to himself “disappoint“But had declared his intention to appear in British justice”prove (someone’s) innocence,
The two indictments pertain to acts of sexual assault on the same plaintiffs in London in March 2005. Another sexual assault involves a second complainant in August 2008, who also accuses him of forcing her to enter without her consent. Finally, Kevin Spacey was charged with the fourth sexual assault on a third complainant in Gloucestershire (south-west England) in April 2013. London Police said the complainants, whose names have not been made public, are now in their 30s and 40s.
Scotland Yard has launched an investigation against the actor after receiving complaints of sexual harassment, some of which were allegedly made in the Lambeth district of London, where the Old Vic Theatre is located, of which he was artistically involved between 2004 and 2015. was the director. Created in the wake of the Weinstein scandal, the name of the American filmmaker being targeted by multiple allegations of harassment and sexual assault, which was disclosed by the New York Times and New Yorker in the fall of 2017.
The actor has also been the subject of investigation in the United States. The wave of allegations against him has had dire consequences on the career and reputation of the two-time Oscar-winning American actor (for “American Beauty” and “Usual Suspects”).
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