Former elected Agnes Serigheli sentenced on appeal for Islamophobia

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19 March 2022 – 06:40 – World – By: GA

Agnes Serighelli appealed in September 2020 for a suspended prison sentence of two months and a five-year disqualification sentence for inciting racial discrimination. But on 16 March the Versailles Court of Appeal confirmed his sentence.

The former deputy mayor of Saint-Germain-en-Lay (Yvelines) in December 2019 accused the management of the autonomous Paris Transport Authority (RATP) of “recruiting thousands of Arab-Muslim agents who despise Christmas and accuse users of Think. Like cattle”.

To read: France: Another union born to fight against Islamophobia

At that time the statement started in protest against the strike of railway workers. More than two years after her comments were deemed reprehensible, Agnes Serigelli saw her conviction for racial discrimination confirmed by the Versailles Court of Appeal.

It would have to pay an amount of 1,000 euros for the cost of the proceedings to each civilian side such as the League for Human Rights (LDH), Lycra and MRAP.

Tags: France, Islamophobia, Trial

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