A new infection transmitted by the blacklegged tick, the same one that transmits Lyme disease, has just been listed in the Bromont area.
Six cases of anaplasmosis have been confirmed by the authorities. It is also the first set of its kind in Estri and Quebec. The disease is treated with antibiotics, but the symptoms can be unpleasant.
“This is the fever that we face in almost 100% of cases,” Dr.r Philippe Martin, microbiologist and infectious disease specialist, CIUSSS de l’Estri-CHUS. Muscle and joint pain may also be felt. In short, we actually have a feeling of not feeling well. “
Unlike Lyme disease, anaplasmosis does not cause redness.
Because it is not easy to diagnose, health officials recommend that people do not hesitate to see a doctor if they experience this type of symptom. Only laboratory tests can confirm that it is indeed anaplasmosis.
And if you find a tick on you, your pet or elsewhere, don’t hesitate to take a picture of it and register it on the eTick.ca application. This public forum, designed here at Estri, makes it possible to follow the development of Tik not only in our region, but also across the country.
Jade Savage is the motivator of the project. She is also a professor of biological sciences at Bishop’s University.
“In terms of black-footed ticks, we see a little more each year in areas like Quebec, Abitibi. Areas that are a little further north than Montreal. But we don’t have enough longitudinal data yet, so over time, To say that we can make predictions about how it will develop.”
Remember that Estri is the area with the most reported cases of Lyme disease since the beginning of the year.
1 in Quebec. Out of 83 cases reported betweenis For January 2021 and July 10, 2021, 33 are in Astri and 23 in Monterrey.
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