Olympia: Top sports fund in Great Britain put to the test

The promotion of such a successful top-level sport in Great Britain recently must return to the test.

One must return to trial to promote the recently successful elite game in Great Britain. The umbrella organization UK Sport, which pumps around 125 million euros a year from lottery money and supports the government in medal-laden Olympic Games, wants to rethink its success strategy after a significant ton.

“We, the nation, the government and our allies must ask this question: what do they think we should focus on? What do you think we should do? UK Sport CEO Liz Nicol told the BBC. Nicole announced, “We will listen.” We are not arrogant to assume that we know how everything works best. “A possible new path should be decided next February.

The British sport had meticulously prepared for the 2012 Olympic Games in London with a large-scale project focused solely on medal-rich games. The breakthrough proved the British right, with the hosts finishing third in the medals table behind the United States and China with 65 medals (29–17–19) at the home games. The current funding period ends in Rio in 2016.

Criticism came primarily from sports that were sidelined by restructuring and either lost money altogether (basketball, water polo and synchronized swimming) or suffered losses (handball and volleyball).

The “watering can” principle still prevails in German sport. However, curling was the first game recently to be canceled altogether. From the money saved here, other money holes will be plugged. The German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) general director Michael Vesper said in the context that it would not involve “a chain reaction”. The basic funding strategy should not change in the future either.

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