Leaks, thistles and crosses of all kinds … What is the origin of the British symbol?

England is one of
Four constituent nations UK with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. If you add the Republic of Ireland, you get Great Britain, but it is a geographical concept and not a political one.

By measurement, the United Kingdom is sometimes called England, “Land of Angles”. During the Roman period, this part of the empire was called Brittany. But between the 5th and 7th centuries, it was invaded by the Anglo-Saxons.

These nations are represented differently Football, Rugby Union, XV, Boxing, Cricket, Curling, Handicapped Sports, Field Hockey, Golf and Mountaineering. But there are subtleties: in field hockey and rugby union, the Irish team unites Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, although the latter does not belong to the United Kingdom.
In cricket, England and Wales are united while Scotland and Ireland are separated. Difficult, isn’t it (Delicate, isn’t it?)

Funny icons

Each of these nations has its own symbol: for England is rose, Which refers to the Battle of Rosé between 1455 and 1485 between the House of Lancaster and the Civil War of York. They were symbols of red roses and white roses respectively. At the end of three decades of war, Henry Tudor ascended to the throne in the name of Henry VII Tudor, the heir to the Lancastrian, defeated Richard III, and killed at Bosworth. Upon coming to power, he decided to keep the red rose as a symbol of the country. It is still called today “Tudor Rose.”

If you see supporters standing and waving and shouting at the Six Nations tournament, don’t be surprised: they are supporters of the Wales rugby team commonly known as “Leaked XV”. Because yes, Welsh chose Leek. Neither romantic nor heroic, what funny vegetable is there in this story? Legend has it Saint david, The Welsh boss allegedly ordered his soldiers to identify him by attaching a leak to his helmet during the battle against the Saxons

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Thistle is a symbol of scotland The motto of whose kings was: “Nobody protects me from impurity”. If you go in search of trouble you will find it.

Finally, the three-leaf clover, or “Shamrock “is expensive In the heart of the irish For St. Patrick this herb was used to explain the Trinity to Pagans when he was promoting Ireland. That’s why last Wednesday you may have seen the Irish dressed in green: St. Patrick’s Day takes place every 17 March.

Long history of british flag

Now a little vexillology. Oh, is that so! Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt – it’s just about studying the flag. The Union Jack is a very strong symbol of the history of the United Kingdom, because Its composition recalls each phase of the creation of this state.
The central red cross on the central flag refers to the English flag, Across St. George (St. George’s Cross). St. George has been the patron saint of England since the 13th century.

In 1603, when Queen Elizabeth I of England died without an heir, it was Jacques VI Stuart, King of Scotland, who became King of England under the name of Jacques Year. He then makes a flag on which the English cross and the Scottish cross are written, a white cross on a blue background. Saint Andrew’s Cross With reference to the patron saint of Scotland. The current flag came into force on January 1, 1801, following the Empire of Great Britain and the Act of the State of Ireland. We then added the british flag Saint’s queen (Red cross in the shape of an X on a white background).

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For the popular name “Union Jack”, This may be a reference to James I, the king, who originally created a common flag between the Empire of England and the Kingdom of Scotland.
The word “jack” can also be a naval word because the Royal Navy was the first major user of this flag. “Jack” is the English word for naval flag.

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About the Author: Piers Parker

Alcohol maven. Incurable pop culture specialist. Communicator. Gamer. Certified explorer.

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