“Carton Movie” is the most important co-production and contact exchange platform for European cartoons. In a “normal” year, about 800 animated filmmakers, financiers, film distributors and buyers of TV content will come together in a real city such as Bordeaux from mid-March to the present and to submit animated film projects.
The event is organized by the non-profit organization “Carton”, with the support of the European Union’s media program. “Carton Movie” is online this year because of Kovid. What is the difference?
Head of Enric Mess:
“For a digital event you have to communicate a lot, keep in constant touch with people and explain a lot. Of course, you have to draw attention to the various manufacturers and events for their projects for potential buyers – so yes, a lot of communication.
This year 55 projects from 16 European countries will be offered, with a total of 76 program hours, with a total budget of EUR 297 million.
The traditional host country France is ahead with 21 projects, followed by Spain with 9 projects.
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Wolfgang Spindler, Euronews:
“How are things going with the British animation filmmakers?”
Anik Mess:
“CARTOON is supported by the MEDIA program of the EU Commission and Great Britain has withdrawn from the program – so we no longer have British contributions. But I hope there is still an agreement between Great Britain and Europe. ‘
CARTOON MOVIE project presentations will remain online even after the event (until March 11). Since it was founded in 1999, around 398 films have been financed, with a total budget of EUR 2.63 billion.
Wolfgang Spindler, see below