In the late 1970s, a London home hosted an evening reserved for the city’s Caribbean immigrants. For the second film of his “Small X” anthology dedicated to this community, Steve McQueen expertly restores the magic of a party inspired by reggae, disco and sexuality.
LOver rock, Second of five films in the collection Small ax Produced by Briton Steve McQueen, it is to be categorized as the masterpiece of symbiosis between images and music.
We are in the late 70s. Preparing a house in london dance Dance. Treat a private party as a Caribbean community, excluded from the nightclub circuit in racist England at the time, preferring to organize. It only has the name’s blues as it mainly plays reggae. In the living room, rastas in large caps (you have to put a dreadlock somewhere!) Clean the couch and rugs to install your sound system, the sound system is unmodified for the size of the room. But to enjoy the bouncy bass, you need quantity. The final connection of the cables, the first 45-rpm placed on the turntable, and here is the sound emanating from the speakers: Robin Hood A fine vintage dub made in Jamaica, by Cry Tough and the Originals. In the kitchen, the girls cook curry while singing, while the others dress up.
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