The European Union on Friday announced humanitarian aid in the amount of 100 million euros for the deployment of vaccination campaigns in Africa, led by the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CACM).
According to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, this money will support vaccination campaigns in countries with significant human needs and with fragile health systems.
A commission issues press notes that the fund will help, among other things, to ensure cold chains, registration programs, train medical and support staff, and the establishment of logistics.
“We have always made it clear that the epidemic will end only when people around the world are protected. The European Union is ready to support the vaccination strategies of its African partners by providing experts and medical equipment at the request of the European Union ”, informed Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, cited in the communication.
For its part, the European Commissioner in charge of crisis management, Janez Lenarkey, indicated that “international vaccine solidarity is necessary to effectively fight the Kovid-19 pandemic,” and that the EU refers to its humanitarian instruments and contributions to civil security Investigating in. Deployment of Immunization Campaigns in Africa ”.
In addition, and within the framework of the new Neighborhood, Development and International Cooperation Instruments (IVCDCI) and the European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus (FEDD +), the European Commission is studying the possibilities of providing medium-term assistance to African countries. . Production capacity for health products at the manufacturing, local and regional levels, especially vaccines and protective equipment.
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