Renisha Technology is helping UK’s Enos team move forward

Sir Ben Ainslie and Ineos team managed to make it to the finals of the UK Prada America World Cup which starts at 1 pmTenth February.

In March, Inios will face the UK Italian team, Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, for the center of the match at the Copa America.

Team Innos follows the UK in the AC75 “Britannia”, a 75-foot-high monocoque, built and equipped with the best of British technology.

As the official additive manufacturing (AM) partner and the team’s precision measurement partner, Renisha helped build the technologically advanced vessel and lent her engineering expertise throughout the project.

Renishaw AM’s support included the optimization of structural components to create lightweight yet robust solutions. It also provides equipment and expert advice in the areas of position sensing, manufacturing process control and Raman spectroscopy.

In the final race, which confirmed the Innos team UK’s place in the Prada Cup final, Britannia had a problem with “Cunningham” which allows the sail to change shape during the race and is an important place for the boat to function .

“People did a great job, so we run the whole track and win. We are mainly affected by Cunningham’s problems. Bleddyn [Mon] Sir Ben Eynsley, skipper and team manager for INEOS TEAM UK, said that our mainsail trimmer did a great job in supporting us.

“Renisha’s controller was put to the test when it encountered problems with the Cunningham team,” said Finnewell Evans, Renisha’s crypto products division technical manager. “Bleddyn Mon worked hard with the custom console, which helped us design and build and really contributed to the team’s painstaking victory to qualify for the Prada Cup final.”


Ingos UK Team


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