United Kingdom: “I have been vaccinated, I am in heaven! “

LHe sms from my doctor’s office at Portland Road Practice in London, arriving at 11:20 am on February 2: “You have been invited to make an appointment for the Kovid vaccine by contacting us at the reception. I am all the more surprised because I theoretically belong to group 5, 65 to 70 year olds. Only half of patients in Group 4 (ages 70 to 80) have been vaccinated so far, but, given the success of the vaccination campaign, the National Health Service (NHS) has already passed.

Got a call in the office. After answering several questions about my current state of health, an appointment was made at St. Charles Hospital at 11.7 a.m. the next day, a twenty-minute walk from my house, for the first dose and the second time on April 14 at the same time. Time. This deadline has been extended beyond twenty-one days, contrary to the recommendations of the manufacturers of the two now vaccinated vaccines, AstraZeneca and Pfizer-BioNtech.

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“Essential worker”

Despite more than three decades in Britain, I have not lost my good old habits. With the launch of the vaccination campaign on 8 December, I tried to bypass the system. By calling the general practitioner, he was told that as a journalist in the area I have been classified as an “essential worker”. End of not getting. An emergency website provided by my osteopath? nothing works. One private physician regrets: “Everything goes through the National Health Service. Even if you are a billionaire, there is nothing I can help you with. »Diagnosed with prediabetes two years ago? Best regards We have to wait for our turn.

At North Kensington Hospital, an old building built in 1879, masks, distancing, temperature measurements and hand washing are mandatory. There is no need for your ID, Social Security or NHS number. There is no tail Someone wearing jeans and sneakers checks to see if your name is on the list.

The passage is regulated like music paper. A host to bring 6 out of 22 people in cubicle n ° 6, set up in large dispensary rooms. Inside, a nurse asks you five questions similar to a doctor’s office while preparing for an injection.

Free vaccination

“You are entitled to Pfizer,” he said to me, talkative. It depends on delivery, explains the nurse. Even doctors are not aware of the type of vaccine beforehand. “Vial Indicates Laboratory Address,” BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH. Mainz, Germany ”. I refer to the reservation expressed by the French High Authority of Health not to recommend AstraZeneca to the elderly. She smiles and makes a brief comment, “This is jealousy. Nonsense… ”, injecting me with the off-white liquid. His assistant gives me a card to prove that I have been vaccinated.

READ ALSOAstraZeneca Vaccine: We Sight for Efficiency

With due respect for miseries throughout the channel, Oxford-AstraZeneca suited me despite my 69 years. I have full faith in Oxford University and NHS! Immunization provided by universal healthcare is free.

A mole called “Kovid-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b”

To date, approximately 10 million people (out of a population equivalent to France) have received the first dose and the second 500,000. The country with the heaviest deaths (from 108,000 to date) in Europe, which feared a new form of Kovid and is still in dire straits since January, is also at the forefront of vaccination. The government hopes that by September, all over 18 have been vaccinated.

READ ALSOKovid: These new forms of virus that concern researchers

After a mandatory fifteen minute break in a chair, I leave the hospital with a mole, a document titled “Kovid-19 mRNA vaccine BNT16B”. Potion is required three weeks to take the first effect, but as a precaution, it is necessary to wait a week after the second dose. In short, as simple as pie. I am very happy…

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