Augeville-Toulosen. City of Green Sciences: Virtual Open Doors

Green Sciences City is adapting to the state of health by organizing a virtual open house on Saturday 6 February from 9am to 4pm.

This event is an opportunity to highlight the structure and teams in a new and original form. “In an environment conducive to success, we have a real educational tool in service to student success for the Imagina application”, says Nicholas Basti, Director of Installation. You can download it on phone or on your computer. Once established, watch “City of green science” and direct yourself. For example, you can make an appointment with a speaker.

You have to register for the open house through the form. This registration allows access to the content and navigation on the application until the end of June. You will get a presentation of the installation and living environment with a virtual tour of the establishments there. But training courses, specialties and options as well as presentation of individual videoconference meetings with teachers, students and students.

Registration on Imagine:
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About the Author: Abbott Hopkins

Analyst. Amateur problem solver. Wannabe internet expert. Coffee geek. Tv guru. Award-winning communicator. Food nerd.

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