Macron sows trouble, experts appeal

It is a real dispute that French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his ” Doubt On the effectiveness of the British vaccine AstraZeneca in people over 65 years of age.

The French president, whose country has still not received an effective vaccine against Kovid-19, relied on the reluctance of German experts to which he wanted to respond Andrew Pollard Director of the Oxford Vaccine Group.

« The problem is not that the vaccine does not work, it is that we have data that is limited to this time (…) On the other hand, the data that is on immunogenicity, antibody levels, in patients aged It is the same in young patients.Pollard was explained in a speech translated into French by Pascal Soriot, CEO of AstraZeneca, at a press conference.

The same spokesman said: We are of the opinion that the vaccine should work in older patients, but we have a limited number of cases so far. Very soon, we will have results from US studies that provide us with additional data, but today there is no reason to believe that the vaccine is not effective in older people. The debate is not just on effectiveness, but on the fact that we do not have enough cases to have enough results ”.

joined by Hespress Fr., President of the National Federation of Health (FNS), Drs. Saif Aafif believes that the question of the effectiveness of the vaccine on the elderly is dependent on the scientists at AstraZeneca that in the UK the elderly received their first dose of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine after its confirmation on 30 December 2020 by the country.

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In clinical trials on Friday 29 January, recalling the approval of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine by the European Medicines Agency, with efficiency up to 60%. Aafif also stressed that further mention is needed by data scientists. Laboratory, and that the Scientific Committee of Morocco has also read and approved, indicating that there is no risk to the targeted people (the elderly).

If that were the case, India would not risk scheduling vaccination for more than 300 million of its residents, he said. In addition, Drs. Afif believes the study will follow after vaccination of a large population, whether in Morocco who have opted for the British vaccine or the United Kingdom, there will be more data on the subject.

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About the Author: Hanley Mallin

Internet geek. Wannabe bacon enthusiast. Web trailblazer. Music maven. Entrepreneur. Pop culture fan.

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