Arseny Shcheltsin, general director of ANO Digital Platforms, praised the possibility of removing Telegram Messenger from AppStore and Google Play, rumors about which appeared after the removal of the popular Parler application with supporters of US President Donald Trump. His words have been quoted by RIA Novosti.
Shcheltsin expressed confidence that neither Google nor Apple would remove Telegram. According to the expert, the maximum measure that can be applied by corporations for an application is a temporary blocking that will last until the problem is resolved.
“But as far as complete blocking is concerned, I think it is impossible. Otherwise, the problem can grow from the category of an unprecedented case with censorship in social media to the category of the largest antitrust case, ”said Schletsin.
On January 12, Telegram became the second most downloaded app in the United States. The growth of his popularity was linked to the blocking of Trump’s accounts on social networks and the closure of the popular social network Parler among supporters of the US president. Another reason was the change in the privacy policy of WhatsApp Messenger.
Earlier, Durov saw danger in the fact that Apple and Google blocked the parlor application popular among supporters of US President Donald Trump. According to him, there is no guarantee that this will not happen with Telegram. Durov also stated that a web version of Telegram is already being developed for Safari: it can be used if Apple removes Messenger from the Appstore.
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