Great Britain is turning to the ermassus

The British government is relying on a global exchange project and is moving away from the EU’s Erasmus program. Universities fear for European students, but the EU student exchange is also a political symbol both pro and anti Brexit cannibal.

All Souls College, Oxford.  Top universities in Oxford and Cambridge will continue to attract wealthy students from the European Union.  This is less evident with fewer known study centers in the UK.

All Souls College, Oxford. Top universities in Oxford and Cambridge will continue to attract wealthy students from the European Union. This is less evident with fewer known study centers in the UK.

Christopher Furlong / Getty

“Erasmus opened my eyes and opened many doors,” says Tom Foster-Nye. The 23-year-old completed an exchange semester in Madrid and Brussels in 2017 and 2018 while studying at the University of Warwick. In an interview he says, “My family is very English and Great Britain is an island, so the European continent always goes a long way for me.” Linguists now live in Milan. Moving from his hometown of Sheffield to the Lombard metropolis in the north of England became easier when he met fellow students from Milan during his exchange semester in Brussels. In addition, the language skills he acquired made it easier to find jobs outside the UK. “Without the experience of study exchange, I would have tried to find work in London.”

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About the Author: Forrest Morton

Organizer. Zombie aficionado. Wannabe reader. Passionate writer. Twitter lover. Music scholar. Web expert.

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